Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Beginning

I will have to log this over a matter of time...

Amelya was brought into this world on July 24, 2011 by two parents who wanted children a year later after they were married but as luck would have it, or rather God, the egg came first... haha see what I did there? We were so happy and had nothing to do but save.. and save we did after we got married in November of 2011. We were going to wait for that also, but insurance now a days is terrible and we wanted our child born with good care and my job only offers supplemental insurance and no pto or vacation, which was great until Miss Amleya came along.


August 15, 2011

Well, well apparently someone had been lifting too heavy and messed up her... ohhhhh WAIT! After four tests, I made a visit to the ob and a baby was gonna be here in 9 months!!!

No worries:

At 18 weeks our ultrasound tech said she could tell the sex (a girl) but her heart was too small to see and maybe I should come back at 22 weeks. I was never worried or thought anything different and no did anyone else.

At 22 weeks our ultrasound tech said her RV (right ventricle) looked a little big and she would mention it to my then OB Dr. Heditman. He looked and all I remember him saying was we needed to have a referrel to a maternal fetal specialist.

At 24 weeks I was in to see Dr. Greig, the MFM doctor and we got a basic and generic report with a monthly follow up and a possible cardiac refferral. I started going nurse crazt and looked up a ton online and played the waiting game.

At 28 weeks I was in to see Dr. Greig and he called in Dr. Benjamin Horne (Greenville, SC only has five cardiac doctors but they do NOT preform surgery). We got confirmation on this very date that there were 2 VSD, Coarctation of the Aorta and I was to follow up pretty regulary with Dr. Greig. I saw Dr. Heidtman later that week and he suggested that I change doctors to someone else because Amleya would need a level two trauma. I agreed and changed to Dr. Gower, who was also the only doctors out of three who I wanted and would accept a heart doctor.

At 32 weeks I was told that Amelya's heart was a POSSIBLE Coarctation of the Aorta, small LV and Aortic Stenosis... We were told surgery was not for sure and that if I felt better we could go to MUSC and deliver at 39 weeks or wait it out until 40 weeks. We decided to wait it out to let her heart grow and maybe things would even themselves out because after all, surgery was a POSSIBILITY.

At 39 weeks my ob wanted to induce, the maternal fetal doctor agreed and I went in on April 8th to be induced using cervadil.

To be continued.....

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