Monday, April 16, 2012

Decisions, decisions....

Today was a good day until 9pm and God must of had his hand in that because I slept for a good hour beside my husband somewhat snuggling. I was pumping and heading to the hospital when Michaels Mom tells me Pam is NOT our nurse, it is some lady named Cindy. Now I understand Grandmas and Mommies are over zealous but this kinda set me up for a long night of playing Momma Bear... Short and sweet it ended up ok and as an added bonus we were transferred to pediatric cardiac intensive care unit in prep for surgery!

Amelya clinically:

We are waiting on a bili level (I am 100 percent sure she will be on a light again) and a bmp (labs to show if organs are functioning) as well as the angio done this pm. She has a right arm iv that infiltrated with contrast so we are watching that. She has periods of tackypnea ongoing. We spoke to the resident pcicu md and it has really set me back to big bat crazy with the reason being her right aortic valve and how "special" it is. They say we don't know if she will be opened by her sternum or maybe by her ribs, they say she now may need two surgeries. They say her left heart lags. I don't understand then why we sat around for a week. She is up to 8 lbs however and maybe that is why? I don't know. I'm so confused and I just want to take my heart out and give it to her. I would give anything, anything to fix this. On a different note (hello adhd) she says it may NOT be genetic (my michael has aortic distention and some right ventricle thickness), which is great, but they send off genetic labs on all cardiac babies so maybe that will give me some insight? It doesn't matter, this whole night tonight made us make two BIG decisions: NO more kids. Period. We may break the lease (not sure how that will go over) and move in with my family for a couple months if a second surgery is imminent.

I better stop, my milk supply is decreasing as I continue to stress and not sleep....

Good night... Keep the faith and please pray for us. 

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